by kirti | Dec 12, 2023 | Diversity and inclusion
How to recognise and become friends iwth imposter syndrome as a way to build your confidence and turn your doubts into...
by kirti | Dec 12, 2023 | Diversity and inclusion
The months podcast episode of “Befriend ur Mind” Kirti sits down guest Sonia Harjani engaging in profound discussions on “can women have it all”. Be sure to check it out here. Here are some take aways of Episode 3 : Seeking Zen: Tips on Rest,...
by kirti | Dec 12, 2023 | Diversity and inclusion
Guest Podcast with The Modernist by The Modernist A chilled conversation on how to handle the burn out for trail blazing professional who hustle and discover the wellbeing to reach their...
by kirti | Jul 13, 2023 | Diversity and inclusion
Services Courses, Workshops & Retreats Services Basic Self-paced £498 Access to 6 videosAccompanied worksheets Downloadable AudioCustomisationPersonalised FeedbackContinuous online SupportPersonal Consultations Training Premium Recommended £1086 1-2-1...
by kirti | Jun 26, 2023 | Diversity and inclusion
This weeks blog is focused on Pride Month. Before we get started I want to share that this post may not be appreciated and may challenge our beliefs, my invitation is to read this with a reflective and considerate mind. For past two months, I’ve been writing...
by kirti | Mar 13, 2023 | Diversity and inclusion, Mindfulness, relationships
This is a big one! One which many Multi-cultured (wo)men would never admit they struggle with. This is all about society and imposter syndrome. Most of us are raised to conform to a particular genders needs and wants, which can leave us in a spiral. Let me give you an...